Friday, 5 August 2011

Thursday August 4 and Friday August 5, 2011

Thursday morning started off very eventful with the local Adelaide FM radio station broadcasting live here from Ronald McDonald House. Maccas provided brekkie and there was a wizard and craft station for the kids and manicures and hand massages for us mums. Pure bliss! Got to the NICU at around 9.30am and found that Miss Stella put on another 30 grams! Had another really long cuddle, did all her cares

(changing her nappy, washing her face and bottom, doing her temperature, changing the oximeter on her foot to the other one) all day along with the usual pumping, pumping, pumping! Her humidity on her cot was also turned off and she can now wear teeny tiny clothes! So cute!

Went to see a GP in the afternoon for some domperidone which is actually an anti nausea drug but it also boosts and maintains breast milk supply, especially when you're not actually feeding your baby. Being on it just a day has increased my already quite good milk supply and they are now freezing my excess milk but that's ok because should anything happen like my supply dropped off or I get mastitis or something we can still give her expressed breast milk (EBM) until it gets resolved.

The next exciting thing that happened at 11pm was mum arriving from Mackay! Am so blessed to have her here to help me with washing, doing groceries, etc, especially as it's taking quite a long time to recover from my caesar.

Friday morning was very exciting because I finally was able to introduce Stella to Neany! The nurse (Miriam) who was looking after Stella today was lovely and offered Mum a cuddle, which of course was accepted with gusto! After initial crying and getting all worked up for being moved, she was given her dummy and had about an hour cuddle. Miriam also took Stella's hand and fottprints which is something I always regretted not getting with Harvey.

Mark, Jenny, Max and Jen Lacey came to visit us in the afternoon and Jen and Jen came in to meet the little girl. It was so lovely to see them and to be able to thank Jenny for everything she did the night I went into labour. They bought her the nost adorable clothes and books and she's getting spoilt already - especially from Mummy Kady (surprise, surprise!)

Stella did lose 10 grams but considering the fact that she's put on so much in the last few days it's nothing to be concerned about. She's now on 6ml of milk every 4 hours but the nurses think she should probably just sit on that for another day just to not work her tummy too much.

Have been very emotional since Mum has been here. I guess it's the fact that I can have a good cry without being judged or having to be strong. It has been quite a good release for me.

Anyway, until tomorrow, we continue to pray that Stella continues to grow big and strong and remains healthy.

Hugs and kisses,

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