Thursday 18 August 2011

Thursday August 18, 2011

Stella redeemed herself today by putting on 50 grams! She now weighs 1.33kg. She looks just like a teeny tiny baby. She's so perfect in every way and today I just kept thinking how perfect she is. Her breathing is still excellent and her feeds remain the same.
This morning she was very naughty and pulled out her feeding tube from her nose and the nurse didn't know until Stella started crying because she was hungry. The nurse found her isolette soaking wet and she had milk all in her hair making it sticky. I had to give her a bath this afternoon to clean her up! After her bath I put her in a new dress made by Juarne and she looked so adorable.
Well, I am officially a dairy cow and am averaging about 250ml each time I express which is every 3 hours. I have pots and pots and pots of milk so here's hoping Stella is a good feeder! That's the news for today. Am liking this nice, steady NICU journey and just hope it continues the way it has so far.
Hugs amd kisses to all our friends and family,
Love Lauren

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